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Paul Lukas

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Paul Lukas
Pál Lukács

26-may 1894-yil
Vafoti 15-avgust 1971-yil(1971-08-15)
(77 yoshda)
Tangier, Morokko
Fuqaroligi Mojariston va AQSh
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1916-1970
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Gizella "Daisy" Benes
(turm. 1927; vafot. 1962)

Annette M. Driesens
(turm. 1963)

Paul Lukas (Pál Lukacs, talaffuzi: „Pal Lukacs“, 1894-yil 26-may — 1971-yil 15-avgust) venger aktyori. U Brodvey sahnasida yaratgan rolini qayta tiklagan holda „Watch on the Rhine“ (1943) filmidagi ijrosi uchun „Eng yaxshi erkak roli“ uchun Akademiya mukofotini va „Eng yaxshi aktyor“ uchun birinchi „Oltin globus“ mukofotini qoʻlga kiritdi.

Lukas Paul Lukachs Budapeshtda yahudiy oilasida tug‘ilgan[1][2], Adolf Munkacsi va Mariya Schneckendorfning o‘g‘li. Keyinchalik uni Mariya (niyasi Zilahi) va reklama boʻyicha direktor Janos Lukacslar asrab olishdi[3][4].

Lukas 1916-yilda Budapeshtda kinodagi debyutini qilgan. Avvaliga xotinbozlarni oʻynadi, lekin borgan sari yovuz odamga aylandi. U Vengriya, Germaniya va Avstriyada muvaffaqiyatli sahna va kino karerasini oʻtkazdi va u yerlarda Max Reinhardt bilan birga ishladi. Lukas 1927-yilda Gollivudga kelgan va 1937-yilda AQSh fuqaroligini olgan. 1935-yilda u Kaliforniyaning Palm Springs shahridagi yangi Raket klubi yaqinida uy qurdi[5].

Paul Lukas Lillian Hellmanning “Watch on the Rhine“ asl Brodvey spektaklida(1941)

U 1930-yillarda „Rockabye“ melodramasi, „Grumpy“ tragediyasi, Alfred Hitchcockning „The Lady Vanishes“, „Ladies in Love“ komediyasi va „Dodsworth“ dramasi kabi filmlarda suratga tushdi.

Uning kinodagi asosiy muvaffaqiyati "Watch on the Rhine" (1943) filmida boʻldi. Filmda u natsistlarga qarshi ishlayotgan odam rolini oʻynadi. Bu rol 1941-yilda xuddi shu nomdagi spektaklning Brodveydagi premyerasida paydo boʻlgan[6]. Uning Bette Davis rolini oʻynagan amerikalik rafiqasi bilan nemis muhojiri Kurt Muller obrazi tanqidchilar tomonidan olqishlandi. „Nyu-York Tayms“ gazetasidan Brooks Atkinson shunday deb yozgan edi: „Fashizmning dushmani sifatida janob Lukasning begʻubor, mehribon, topqir qatʼiyati uning samimiyligi va aktyor sifatidagi yuksak qobiliyatlari tufayli qahramonlikka aylanadi“[7]. U bu roli uchun eng yaxshi erkak roli uchun Akademiya mukofotini qoʻlga kiritdi. Shuningdek, u oʻz ijrosi uchun Nyu-York kino tanqidchilari mukofotini oldi[7].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Lukas 1960-yil 8-fevralda Gollivud shon-shuhrat xiyobonidagi 6821 Gollivud bulvarida yulduz bilan taqdirlandi[8].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izoh
1920 Boccaccio Boccaccio
1922 Samson and Delilah Ettore Ricco
1923 The Unknown Tomorrow
1928 Three Sinners Count Dietrich Wallentin Lost film
Manhattan Cocktail Boris Renov Lost film
The Woman from Moscow Vladimir Tugallanmagan film
Loves of an Actress Doktor Durande Lost film
Two Lovers Don Ramon de Linea Tugallanmagan film
Hot News James Clayton Lost film
Night Watch Captain Corlaix
The Shopworn Angel Bailey Tugallanmagan film
1929 The Wolf of Wall Street David Tyler
Illusion Count Fortuny
Half Way to Heaven Nick Pogli
1930 Behind the Make-Up Boris
Slightly Scarlet Malatroff
Young Eagles Von Baden
The Benson Murder Case Adolph Mohler
The Devil’s Holiday Doktor Reynolds
Grumpy Berci
Anybody’s Woman Gustave Saxon
The Right to Love Eric
1931 City Streets Big Fellow Mashal
Unfaithful Colin Graham
Working Girls Doktor Joseph Von Schrader
Women Love Once Julien Fields
The Beloved Bachelor Michael Morda
Strictly Dishonorable Gus
The Vice Squad Stephen Lucarno
1932 No One Man Doktor Karl Bemis
Tomorrow and Tomorrow Doktor Nicholas Faber
Thunder Below Ken
Downstairs Albert, the Baronʼs Butler
A Passport to Hell Lt. Kurt Kurtoff
Rockabye Antonie de Sola
1933 Grand Slam Peter Stanislavsky
The Kiss Before the Mirror Walter Bernsdorf
Sing Sinner Sing Phil Carida
Secret of the Blue Room Captain Walter Brink
Captured! Colonel Carl Ehrlich
Little Women Professor Bhaer
By Candlelight Josef
1934 The Countess of Monte Cristo Rumowski
Glamour Victor Banki
I Give My Love Paul Vadja
Gift of Gab The Corpse
Father Brown, Detective Flambeau
The Fountain Rupert von Narwitz
Affairs of a Gentleman Victor Gresham
1935 The Casino Murder Case Philo Vance
Age of Indiscretion Robert Lenhart
The Three Musketeers Athos
I Found Stella Parish Stephan Norman
1936 Dodsworth Arnold Iselin
Ladies in Love John Barta
1937 Brief Ecstasy Professor Paul Bernardy
The Mutiny of the Elsinore Jack Pethurst
Espionage Anton Kronsky
Dinner at the Ritz Baron Philip de Beaufort
1938 The Lady Vanishes Doktor Hartz
1939 Confessions of a Nazi Spy Doktor Kassell
Captain Fury Francois Dupre
1940 Strange Cargo Hessler
The Chinese Bungalow Yuan Sing
The Ghost Breakers Parada
A Window in London Zoltini
1941 The Monster and the Girl W. S. Bruhl
They Dare Not Love Baron von Helsing
1943 Hostages Rheinhardt
Watch on the Rhine Kurt Muller Academy Award for Best Actor, gʻolib
1944 Uncertain Glory Inspector Marcel Bonet
Address Unknown Martin Schulz
Experiment Perilous Nick Bederaux
1946 Deadline at Dawn Gus Hoffman
Temptation Sir Meyer Isaacson
1947 Whispering City Albert Frederic
Donʼt Be a Sucker The Refugee
1948 Berlin Express Doktor Bernhardt
1950 Kim Lama
1954 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Prof. Pierre Aronnax
1958 The Roots of Heaven Saint Denis
1959 Judgment at Nuremberg Ernst Janning
1960 Scent of Mystery Baron Saradin
1962 Tender Is the Night Doktor Dohmler
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Karl von Hartrott
1963 55 Days at Peking Doktor Steinfeldt
Fun in Acapulco Maximillian Dauphin
1965 Lord Jim Stein
1968 Sol Madrid Capo Riccione
1970 The Challenge Doktor Nagy TV film
  1. Brode, D.. Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment. University of Texas Press, 2009 — 103-bet. ISBN 978-0292783300. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 3-fevral. 
  2. Central Conference of American Rabbis (1988). "Journal of Reform Judaism". CCAR Journal (Central Conference of American Rabbis) 35. ISSN 0149-712X. https://books.google.com/books?id=9lxPAQAAIAAJ. Qaraldi: 3 February 2017. Paul Lukas]]
  3. H.W. Wilson Company (1942). "Current Biography Yearbook". Current Biography Yearbook: Annual Cumulation (H. W. Wilson Company). ISSN 0084-9499. https://books.google.com/books?id=1vwZAAAAYAAJ. Qaraldi: 3 February 2017. Paul Lukas]]
  4. „Marriage entry, Budapest 7th district, 26 March 1918“. familysearch.org. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 3-fevral.
  5. Meeks, Eric G.. The Best Guide Ever to Palm Springs Celebrity Homes. Horatio Limburger Oglethorpe [2012], 2014 — 29–30, 34-bet. ISBN 978-1479328598. 
  6. Watch on the Rhine. IBDB.com. Internet Broadway Database.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Bower, Ronald; Unterburger, Amy L. ed. International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press (1997) p. 740
  8. „Paul Lukas“. Hollywood Walk of Fame. Qaraldi: 2015-yil 3-oktyabr.
  • Works by or about Paul Lukas at Internet Archive
  • Paul Lukas IMDbda
  • Paul Lukas at the Internet Broadway Database
  • Paul Lukas at Find a Grave
  • Paul Lukas at Virtual History